Randy Scott, President
Phone: 412-651-8487
Don Godfrey, Vice-President
Phone: 412-719-7189
Rob Crowley, Treasurer
Phone: 724-747-2866
Curt Reese, Recording Secretary
Phone: 412-431-8916
Jay Raspat, Corresponding Secretary
Phone: 412-788-4536
Mary Martinez, IT and Security
Phone: 412-417-5151
Board of Directors
Tony Muggar - Phone: 724-263-7729
Chris Hartzell - Phone: 412-913- 8656
Roy Scott - Phone: 724-745-8402
Glen Calgaro - Phone: 412-221-6348
Don Dowler - Phone: 412-260-4981
Avery Adams - Phone: 412-721-5906
Larry Auten - Phone: 724-695-0721
Tom Walker - Phone: 724-977-4982
Tom Luck - Phone: 412-498-7899
Tim Stilwell - Phone: 412-389-0730
Chris Bird - Phone: 412-974-5553
Jeff Armstrong - Phone: 412-596-9076
Dale Kirkpatrick - Phone: 724-693-9067
Dale Johnson - Phone: 412-221-6632
Mary Martinez - Phone: 412-417-5151
Tom Hoffman - Phone: 412-620-8186